Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interaction Design and Interactive Multimedia

Interaction design is the designing of a system that connects two people. Interactive multimedia is something that uses two or more different mediums within an system that a person can control or interactive with.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Definition of Interactivity

I believe that Interactivity is defined by how a human makes decisions in whatever medium is being displayed. The decisions can be anything but ultimately it is what the human decides to do and how the medium responds. The communication must be clear and both actors, whether it is two humans or a human and a computer, both makes decisions based on what the other does.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Altus Base - UDK Multiplayer Map - Taylor Eldredge

UDK Multiplayer Map
Assets created by Taylor Eldredge

Click on thumbnails for larger versions